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Monday, January 24, 2011

The King and Pink Eye

What a day went to bed last night with what I thought was the early stages of pink eye, and woke up this morning with full blown pink eye.  Went to the doc got some ointment and 24-48 hours of sitting at the house while trying not to infect anyone else.  This post is probably the toughest thing i've done today, just because my eye is so sensitive to the light of the computer monitor.  I've been wearing prescription sunglasses in the house all day, doing my best Ray Charles impersonation.  The shades have helped though, allowed me to watch some TV.  Oh well life goes on hopefully feeling a lot better in the morning.

FYI, the car dealer said that the damage didn't happen at their shop and they don't know where it could have happened, and accepted no responsibility at all.  I am calling Ford to see what they have to say, but I'm not really sure where this is going.  Ok i'm cutting it short for the day, Later.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The King and The Weekend

What a weekend here good and bad, need some advice hoping some of you reading this can help.  Alright let's get right to it.  On Saturday I found out that my brand new F-150 isn't so brand new; the original drivers door was replaced (not sure why, no answers yet) and it is pretty obvious now that i've inspected it that there is body work compound still on the inside of the door as well as quite a bit of overspray.  I contacted the dealership but the real management won't be in until Monday, and i'm not sure how to proceed.  Let me know what you think I should ask the dealership to do.

We also went downtown to check out the ice sculptures and they were pretty good.  I really liked the Predator sculpture.  They were all very well done, unbelievable actually, very talented people make these.  I also got a good a picture of the King and a  brightly colored moose on the side of a building, my daughter said it was psychedelic and probably freaked out people who were drunk or high.  Can anyone guess where that picture was taken?

Great games this weekend, I can't believe Green Bay is in the Superbowl after getting rid of Favre only 3 years ago.  Really thought they'd stink for awhile after he left.  Special thanks to my wife for being a good sport and not sticking it to me too badly.  The Superbowl will be good can't wait.  Go Pack Go, I can't honestly root for the Steelers being a diehard Ravens fan.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The King and I

Ok so I wasn't sure how I was going to do this, but I thought i'd start a new blog and wanted something that would be fun and could last.  I ultimately came up with idea of Cro & The King, which is basically a daily journal of mine and some pictures of me with a miniature Burger King.  I wasn't sure how it would go but the wife and kids thought it was funny me taking my picture with a little "Burger King" and pushed me to go ahead and do it.  Oh well, you can expect daily entries and occasionally see me and/or the King doing fun stuff.  Think of it as Flat Stanley with a mini Burger King.