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Monday, January 24, 2011

The King and Pink Eye

What a day went to bed last night with what I thought was the early stages of pink eye, and woke up this morning with full blown pink eye.  Went to the doc got some ointment and 24-48 hours of sitting at the house while trying not to infect anyone else.  This post is probably the toughest thing i've done today, just because my eye is so sensitive to the light of the computer monitor.  I've been wearing prescription sunglasses in the house all day, doing my best Ray Charles impersonation.  The shades have helped though, allowed me to watch some TV.  Oh well life goes on hopefully feeling a lot better in the morning.

FYI, the car dealer said that the damage didn't happen at their shop and they don't know where it could have happened, and accepted no responsibility at all.  I am calling Ford to see what they have to say, but I'm not really sure where this is going.  Ok i'm cutting it short for the day, Later.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better UB, you should upload a video of your best ray Charles, just for some laughs down this way. I hope things go better when you contact Ford directly, it sucks that people are so dishonest.

    P.S. I think I should be your favorite niece by the way since I patiently await each installment of this blog.
